Are you looking for everything FunDrive 2012? Well, look no further! It’s all here for your reading pleasure. Are you ready for this? It seems like it!
To start off, as Edmonton’s only volunteer-powered, listener-supported, campus based, community radio station, CJSR depends on the financial support of our listeners so that we can continue to broadcast diverse musical and spoken word programming that challenges the status quo. That’s where FunDrive comes in; A listener pledge made during this year’s FunDrive literally keeps us on the air for the next year. So if you’d like to donate to your favourite neighbourhood CJSR by clicking on the banner at the top of this page, or calling (780) 492-2577 ext 1.
What about the SWAG? Well, as always, if a listener pledges to FunDrive we want to show our appreciation. This year we teamed up with a local Edmontonian designer who created brand new graphics for the Hoodie and T-Shirt. The graphic for these are below; both the T-Shirt and Hoodie are unisex and fit like American Apparel.

As always, we’ll have the Star Card and several other SWAG items including a messenger bag. But we’re also doing something really unique this year as well. Vinyl! Yup, if you donate $120 or more to CJSR in the next 10 days, you’ll receive a very awesome 180 gram vinyl pressing of 12 songs by some incredible Edmontonian artists entitled ’88 1/2 ways to Love Life and Be Happy’. The vinyl is complete with original artwork and a download card with bonus recordings as well!
Here’s a sneak peak at the awesome design for the CJSR FunDrive Vinyl:

And here’s a list of all this year’s swag with their accompanying pledge levels:
If you donate $20, you’ll receive a Star Card.
$30 – Star Card and Digital Download Card
$60 – Star Card, Digital Download Card, and a Bottle Opener
$120 – Star Card, T-Shirt, Vinyl with Download Card
$240 – Star Card, T-Shirt, Hoodie, Vinyl with Download Card
$360 – Star Card, T-Shirt, Hoodie, Vinyl with Download Card, and a Messenger Bag
$480 – Star Card, T-Shirt, Hoodie, Vinyl with Download Card, Messenger Bag, and a USB Drive or Bottle Opener
But wait! There’s more! Everybody who makes a pledge during FunDrive is also entered into the GRAND PRIZE draw. What is the grand prize? Well, dear listener, its an incredibly spiffy and sleek turntable.

As a final note about SWAG: While you’ll be able to pick up your Star Card at the station anytime after you make your pledge, you’ll have to be patient to get everything else. But in return for your patience, CJSR will be throwing a SWAG party at Expressionz Cafe between November 17th and 18th where you’ll be able to pick up your loot!
Want to take your Star Card out on the town? CJSR’s got you covered. That’s because this year’s FunDrive 2012 is more than just a fundraiser, it’s a veritable celebration of art and music in Edmonton. With that in mind, we’re going to be playing host to not one, but 13 live music events during the course of the 10 days of FunDrive. A complete listing of all these events are located below. Further details about each show can be found here!

And remember, Dial or Click to Donate. (780)492-2577 or We need your support!