Veteran CJSR DJs Return to CJSR For the 2010 Fundrive!

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The CJSR 2010 Fundrive starts on October 27th, and this year we are proud to have some of our favorite CJSR Alumni returning to the airwaves for special Fundrive shows. This year, we have the honor of having 4 great shows returning to CJSR for one day only!

  • Wednesday, October 27th, 9-10am: Crocodile Connection with Master Crocodile
  • Wednesday, October 27th, 10-11am: Flying Saucer Rock n’ Roll with Dan Electreau
  • Monday, November 1st, 3-4pm: Prairie Gaucho with Idris Fashan
  • Monday, November 1st, 4-5pm: Your Weekly AA Meeting with Adam and Aaron

Tune in and check out some of your favorite DJs from days past do their thing and show their love for CJSR. And you can show your love for CJSR by donating during our Fundrive by dialing 492-2577 ext. 1 or donating online at Fundrive runs from Ocotber 27th-November 6th.


CJSR runs on volunteer labour and couldn’t exist without it.

Show your support by pitching in.

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